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Design to move people

Design can move people to think, feel or act; to share, sign up or make a purchase. But if your interface is confusing, your brand identity a bit ‘meh’ or your website has all the right info but doesn’t feel ‘right’ then your design isn’t as effective as it could be.

I design things to help people, not make life harder for them…

If you’re looking for a freelance web designer to help – let’s talk…


👋 I’m Tom Derrett, an experienced freelance UI/UX and brand designer based in the UK. I’m fascinated by people and their ideas and I love the power that design can bring to communicate those ideas simply, effectively and beautifully.

I’m father to three daughters, former founder and co-owner of Daughter, an over-keen slow runner, ex Morning Runner and an honest, insightful and thoughtful designer and communicator.

Drop me an email at tom@justthomas.co.uk

Projects coming soon